A couple months ago I was out, and an older guy came over to have a look at my machine. He lamented his riding days briefly and then asked if I would give him a burnout. I get that he missed his rebellious youth, I really do, but I still had ...
A couple months ago I was out, and an older guy came over to have a look at my machine. He lamented his riding days briefly and then asked if I would give him a burnout. I get that he missed his rebellious youth, I really do, but I still had ...
I've discovered that there are entire forums devoted to motorcycle seat cushions. People get into heated debates about what brand is best to keep your butt comfy. We certainly live in a weird world.
What's even weirder is that the average motorcycle is only ridden a little over 1,000 miles per year, ...
I'm so embarrassed. I went to a party last weekend where bikes were parked around a bonfire providing a great place to sit and have a beer, but I couldn't pack everything on my bike. This is pretty surprising for me because I pride myself on being quick with a bungee, ...
Talking about chain tools seems... wrong. I have a shaft drive and I love it. I really, really love it. Chains do, however, offer a lighter machine and a greater degree of personalization when it comes to function. With a chain, knowing how to care for and adjust your bike's ...
Air, fuel, oil, spark, and hate; these are the things that make a motorcycle run. The last one is up to interpretation, but I've found you have to hate it just a little or it will abuse you. Everything must be in the right balance.
Racing requires exertion. Air intake is important, ...
For over fifty years, Hollywood hotties have mounted their Harleys for fun and sport.We showcase the best of them.
Here at SpotMotorcycles, we like to keep an eye on what celebrity bikers are up to. And, since keeping an eye on celebrities can ...
It has rained every day, save one, for the last couple weeks. I love my oiled leather, but it can't take this much, so out comes the rain gear and luggage covers. You can save yourself a few minutes with waterproof luggage, like these PVC bags.
Bikeaccess' T Bar bags ...
Upgrading from a 250 cc to a 650 cc bike has some serious benefits, and unexpected drawbacks, as recently learned by a friend. When you can finally get up to the speed limit on the expressway, you nearly get blown over backward. Your options are hang on, lean in, bulk up those ...
Motorcycle security systems have run the gamut from no-tech to high tech, but the Digital Guard Dawg is the first product ever to offer advanced "Personal Recognition Technology" in a motorcycle security system. This technology is similar to systems featured on some luxury cars, but it was designed and developed specifically ...
My ex-boyfriend, who shall remain un-named but whose name rhymed with Bill, had a stunning Springer Harley Davidson that he liked to customize. And he liked to do the customizations himself. He was mechanically sound, but not all the aftermarket parts he bought were as sound as he ...