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Alpinestars is versatile in their target market. Their products are obviously excellent for riding and racing, but they also seem to have a niche in outfitting if we go post-apocalyptic.
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for example, the Alpinestars Bionic knee guards. These guards are excellent for defense against gravel and bees (which hurt like the dickens if they hit you on the kneecap at 70 mph), or maybe to protect your joints when pit-fighting a man gone wild on the edge of civilization after L.A. has been nuked to a barren wasteland.
While the name of the products -- "Bionic" knee guards -- brings to mind a dystopian future, these are still practical protection for the here and now. I once had a nut shake loose and hit me on the shin. I was wearing jeans and the impact left a bruise the size of my fist.
Despite the convenience of impervious knees, these Bionic knee guards run around $100. Knee replacement costs more, but you have to consider if you're actually going to strap these on when you ride out to enjoy a nice, cool evening. Different levels of protection appeal to different folks. I wouldn't ride without my leather, but I have friends who are satisfied with T-shirts.
Segmentation allows for freedom of movement while keeping a solid piece of plastic between your knee and whatever may shatter or abrade your knee. If you race or ride motocross, knee guards are an absolute necessity. For the rest of us, our level of gear is personal preference, but you could keep them around for that whole pit-fighting scenario.
Find this Alpinestars Bionic Knee Guard:
Find this Knee Guard Pair on eBay:
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