I'll start this off by saying I am not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV. If you have a serious injury and you are looking at a motorcycle product review website for advice before talking to your doctor, then you ought to have your head checked as well when you do finally make it in to see the doc. Now that that's out of the way, here we go:
The sport of motocross is a brutal one that constantly tests the limits of man and machine. Few body parts take more of a beating when pounding through the whoops or casing a big triple than your knees. Because of that, taking care of your legs' pivot point is a wise investment.
Fox's PODMX knee brace goes far above and beyond knee cups or knee guards, which basically only protect your kneecap in the event of a fall. These babies are intended to help prevent serious injury in the event of a crash as well as provide support for knees that have been injured in the past. Fox's polymer hinge system has a stopping mechanism that prevents the knee from hyper extending. In addition, the dual-layer carbon fiber composite frame provides mega support in both medial (side-to-side) and lateral (front-to-back) movement. One final safety feature is the patella guard. It is a floating model attached to the frame, which basically means if you bang your knee, the impact will be absorbed by the frame of the brace rather than your leg. That's a good thing.
Besides safety, the other big thing to consider when shopping for a brace is comfort. Fox has attempted to make this brace as low profile as possible so it is not too obtrusive under your gear. It also features thermo-formed pressure point padding and a removable vented foam liner.
This brace is high quality and is definitely a step in the right direction for anyone interested in preventing a knee injury. If you have bad knees already or are recovering from an injury, make sure to talk to a real doctor before using it.
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