Like maladjusted children, a maladjusted chain can do some serious damage. If you want a safe ride without replacing your sprockets and chain all that often, you need to check the alignment. Personally, this is exactly why I ride a bike with a shaft drive these days. I was tired of futzing with the chain.
The Profi Laser C.A.T. helps you align your chain and sprocket (or drive belt) with 100% accuracy, according to the manufacturer. This is also great if you're replacing a rear wheel. Some folks like to use a bit of string, but the C.A.T. will save you lots of time with immediate results and free up at least one of your hands. You can't get much straighter than a laser.
Despite the recommended uses, any time you want to check if something is straight, this device will help. If you're using it for chain adjustment, you're assuming your sprocket is flat, but you can use it to check that as well. The C.A.T., like all good toys, comes with batteries included.
If you have an insanely well-lit garage, that could make the laser difficult to see, but it seems to be bright enough for use at normal lighting levels. What will surprise you about the C.A.T. is how quickly you'll be done with it. If you value your time, then this is a bargain.
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