If you like someone well enough to let them on your bike, you like them well enough to give them a comfortable seat. A buddy of mine actually removed every seat but the driver's seat from his car because he didn't like passengers. Needless to say, his rear fender is pillion-free. This is fine, but don't be that one jerk who offers a ride and then makes the passenger sit on something that makes bricks look comfy. No one likes that jerk.
Mustang knows that letting someone ride passenger is an expression of kindness. Their Tripper rear seat provides the same comfort that their Tripper solo seat delivers. The Tripper will also help maintain the unity of design with classic stitching. This will be a perfect complement to your Mustang seat.
At 7 inches, this seat is wide enough for a leisurely evening cruise and covered in tough vinyl that will weather well on those rides without your passenger. Mustang's seats are maintenance-free and show bike quality. Mustang states that their seats are the most comfortable seats possible, a bold claim at the least.
This pillion is made in the U.S.A. Each seat is hand assembled, so there are folks out there making sure that everything is up to snuff. Keep those folks employed and get a great passenger seat for about $150.
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