This helmet looks blurry in the picture, but trust me it's not blurry in real life.
It's a lightweight helmet from Nolan that weighs under five pounds, because of its GE Lexan shell and sleek design.
At the same time, it doesn't neglect comfort: features like velvety padding on the chinstrap and an antimicrobial interior lining will ensure that chafing and bad smells are kept to a minimum.
Your eyes will be happy, too, since the helmet comes with a removable pre-fitted fog guard.
Finally, a top vent and a customizable retention system mean that comfort and safety extend to all the features of the helmet.
With its lightweight construction and adjustable elements, this helmet is a great investment.
Find this Nolan Motorcycle Helmet:
The N100E isn't sold much anymore, but the N-102 is a good upgrade.
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