Allow me to tell you the tale of Skippy, the hipster cafe rider who swore to wear all black and ride only at night. He was cool, drinking his Pabst off the vine at parties, wearing his black skinny jeans and his black leather jacket that was too small, but was vintage because he bought it at Buffalo Exchange. He would ride quickly and quietly through the night, like a shadow. Skippy was a gambler alright, but he liked the stakes high, and when he bet his Honda CB 350 against a Ford F250, the only thing that could have saved him was if he reflected on his actions and added some reflective tape to his helmet.
It's really not hard. In fact, if you're not gifted with the ability to come up with cool designs, Applied Graphics will sell you one of theirs. I happen to like the white lightning bolts (though I'm not a huge Charger fan). These pre-cut graphics come in a set of 4 pairs (8 graphics total) and are super-reflective at night. The decal kit comes with enough to cover a full-face helmet, or two open-face helmets. Don't be like Skippy; be seen at night so you don't get run over by big trucks. If you're not thrilled with the lightning bolts and prefer to make up your own design, check these out too.
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